“I [unlike you] read the books, I didn’t just look at the pictures.” — Meanest * and most spot on thing Marvin ever said to a rude guest at someones cocktail party— circa 1990 Park Ave, NYC
*note when said with a southern smile and tone it didn’t not even sound mean or turn a single head.... however, the cocktail that came back up through my nose as I choked, did.
The books in the Clawson Conference room …only 50.4% of the books in our collection.
Marvin, has always had a love of books. It’s more than loving knowledge, history or a great story, he does love the pictures and the design of the book jacket, as well as the font that was selected, and the color and texture of the pages, and the edge detail on them. Not one of those choices is lost on him. His love of books is multifaceted.
Sir Edwin Lutyens…if you are in London, going to London or what to know where to go in London…Sir Edwin Lutyens go see some of the homes gardens and properties that are open to the public …there are a few in Ireland, France and India as well.
Like any true collection there is an emotional as well as a monetary value. I worried as I really had not kept up with this investment. Marvin pretty much knows exactly where every book is and what is on the pages. This summer, I finally had it. I hired Rachel Kim , an architectural student from Carnegie Mellon to assist me in creating a way to manage the collection. She researched a few apps…I knew there had to be one…and we selected the appropriate one for us. Rachel has actually touched all 1117 books in the collection. So thank you Rachel and all the best as you continue on your journey to becoming an archtiect….and remember we’ve got a book on that.
So today, we present to you our Libib.com Library @clawsonarch and invite you to follow us, I am still learning so let me know what you think.
Corbusier….He has a shelf all to himself.
The collection continues to grow and I am grateful that Marvin is so passionate about design, history and art. It does in vibe our practice and the work that we create here at Clawson Architects. Marvin is very quick to share, show and teach our team as well as you what he knows. I do enjoy picking up the latest book and flipping through the pages …but I am not going to lie. I mostly look at the pictures …knowing that eventually I will hear the official review.
Check us out on Libib.com
From NYC to Central Park to the Hamptons via Grand Central Terminal to one of the greatest Librarys of all time The New York Public Library …Great Archiecture abounds in NY.