In one of my Pandemic Blogs I wrote about home offices. And like many of you…I thought this was going to be a couple of weeks and we would all be back to our regular day to day. While we are all more uncertain than ever about what tomorrow will bring, we though it would be a good idea to talk about the good enough. How do you create space with what you got.
So in recognition of the fact that not everyone is in a position to redesign the whole house and build an addition to home school our kids and work from home…and that not everyone has given up hope that this is not going to last for much longer, our second podcast explores space planning to create a home office of learning environment for our students. A special Thanks to Bernadette Clawson who just started her sophomore year at American University for producing our Clawson From the Drawing Board “Pandemic Podcast Series” . The podcast is available on Spotify and Apple podcast